
China Graduate Fashion Week Organizing Committee makes great efforts to supplying necessary basic services for universities so that to make sure events being held successfully.

1.Comprehensive Services
♦ Official brochure publication: Official brochure supplies comprehensive background information of universities for media and involving organizations. Official brochure will be supplied to reporters and VIPS and will also be place in press center, VIP Rooms and so on.
♦ Promotion: in order to give satisfying promotional effects for the involving organizations, Organizing Committee supplies verified compensable service packs, including press conference, banquet, interview etc.
♦ Coordination: in order to reduce and balance the pressure from universities, Organizing Committee supplies compensable coordination services, including show director, model, stylist, dresser etc.

2.Conference Services
♦ Accommodation: Organizing Committee has listed several competitive hotels. Please contact these hotels as early as possible to arrange accommodation.
♦ Reception: Official sites are all equipped with VIP rooms and reception desks can be set up at the entrance. (Details please discuss with Organizing Committee)
♦ Tickets & Work Pass: Organizing Committee will print tickets for universities releasing in the official sites, and on-site work pass will also be allocated by organizing committee.

3.Production Services
♦ To make sure the quality and efficiency of the stage design, each involving organization is not allowed to take its own production group in to avoid accident. The organizing committee will assign qualified and experienced organizations to be responsible for the stage design.
♦ It is suggested that each involving organization choose the committee recommended professional fashion directors, or universities can bring their own show director.
♦ Make-up and styling: please contact the committee recommended organizations to discuss individual situation, or universities can bring their own styling team.
♦ Equipments: Organizing Committee will supply the basic lighting and audio equipments for universities. The authorized stage design companies will supply verified lighting and audio equipments for individual requirements.
♦ Time Arrangement: Organizing Committee will arrange no less than 2.5 hours for rehearsal and 1 hour for show (including 30 minutes show and 30 minutes audience entrance). Universities have to follow the time table strictly.

Service Guide

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